In The Media
BayLUG and BayLTC has a great history in numerous newspaper and website articles over the years.
Here are some samples. Click on the date to view a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of each article.
- 2025/01/02 – San Francisco Chronicle: “For these LEGO fans, brick building is a lifelong passion”
- 2024/10/20 – San Jose Mercury News: “Sunnyvale museum builds partnership with LEGO group”
- 2023/12/21 – Palo Alto Online: “Ride the rails with BayLUG’s 2023 holiday LEGO show”
- 2022/11/18 – Mountain View Voice: “Holiday block party: LEGO enthusiasts share passion for building”
- 2022/01/25 – Palo Alto Online: “Duo shares what makes their LEGO displays click – and more”
- 2021/04/05 – BrickNerd: “Bricks by the Bay 2021: The Con to End All Virtual Cons?”
- 2013/03/20 – Santa Clara Weekly: “Choo Choo Trains Galore at the Toy and Model Train Expo”
- 2012/03/21 – Santa Clara Weekly: “LEGO Lover’s Delight: Bricks by the Bay Brings LEGO Creations to Santa Clara”
- 2011/03/18 – Ka-GO: “Bill Ward Breaks down 2011’s Bricks by the Bay”
- 2008/01/05 – The Daily Review: “Block Head”
- 2006/06 – The Nor-Cal Express: “March 2006 Cal-Stewart” (photo)
- 2005/12/30 – Palo Alto Weekly: “Brick by Brick”
- 2005/10/06 – Inside Bay Area: “Block Party”
- 2004/09/28 – Tri-City Voice: “LEGOS: Piece by Piece”
- 2004/07/12 – Tri-Valley Herald: “Museum turns into a train-lovers delight”
- 2004/05 – Bay Area Parent: “Train Show and Meeting”
- 2003/10/14 – Wired News: “Wanted: Master Lego Builder”
- 2003/10/10 – “‘Lego’ Displays Make Stop In Old Sacramento”
- 2003/10/10 – Sacramento Bee: “Hanging Out: Building blocks”
- 2003/09/07 – Fremont Argus: “Library displays architectural toy”
- 2003/08/08 – San Franicsco Chronicle: “Kids build underwater worlds with Legos at Hall of Science”
- 2003/02/16 – San Diego Union Tribune: “Adult Lego lovers just like kids again at conference”
- 2002/11/07 – Ohlone College Monitor: “Lego train club meets at NOC”
- 2002/01/06 – San Jose Mercury News: “Ready, Set, Lego”
- 2002/01/06 – Fremont Argus: “Local Legomaniacs strut their stuff”
- 2001/04/23 – Fremont Argus: “In the Land of Legos”
- 1999/05/26 – Fremont Argus: “Give the pieces a chance”